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Margarine |
Margarine is ONE MOLECULE away from Plastic; and shares 27 ingredients with Paint.
Bon Appetit !
Sally Fallon Morell is the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Here she discusses the health benefits of butter as well as how unhealthy margarine and other processed spreads are. She also stresses the importance of knowing where your food comes from.
Dr. Gary Kohls mentions a number of foods and other ingredients that can be toxic and cause problems for your brain. Find out what some of these ingredients are really made from and why they're toxic to you! You might be surprised what you're really eating!
Margarine Consumption Linked to Lower IQ of Children
A recent study on dietary influences on IQ turned up a surprising connection: children who ate margarine regularly scored significantly lower on intelligence tests than their peers.
The study was conducted by researchers from Auckland University in New Zealand and published in the journal Intelligence.
Researchers studied the dietary intake and intelligence scores of children born in the mid-1990s.
"We found a number of dietary factors to be significantly associated with intelligence measures," the researchers said. "The association between margarine consumption and IQ scores was the most consistent and novel finding." ....Continue Reading
The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat
The unfortunate result of the low-fat diet craze has been the shunning of healthful fats such as butter, and public health has declined as a result of this folly. There are a myriad of unhealthy components to margarine and other butter impostors, including: Trans Fats, Free Radicals, Emulsifiers and Preservatives, Hexane and other Solvents ....Continue Reading
Butter consumption up as margarine health hoax finally collapses
Good old-fashioned butter has once again become the spreadable fat of choice for most Americans, who new research says are increasingly opposed to synthetic fat spreads like margarine that have long been hailed as healthy alternatives to animal-based saturated fats. The American Butter Institute recently found that per capita butter consumption is at a 40-year high, the direct result of the longstanding margarine health hoax finally collapsing. ....Continue Reading