
The Treasure Chest of Truth

Artificial Sweeteners

artificial sweeteners are dangerous and should never be consumed!

Even bugs won't eat this! Why? .... because it's not food, it's chemicals!


Why You Should Ditch Artificial Sweeteners
“I know you're not big on sugar and frequently tell people to cut down on it,” writes this week’s House Call. “But what about artificial sweeteners?
Can I use those instead?”


Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World
Sweet Misery is a close examination into what many in the medical community have voiced over the last few decades on the safety of Aspartame sweetener. Is there a connection with Aspartame and illnesses? Did the government (including Donald Rumsfeld) push the approval of the sweetener and suppress key data? This film delves into the FDA's process and the various reports of health risks associated with the widely used sweetener.


The 5 Worst Artificial Sweeteners

If you haven’t stopped using artificial sweeteners, please do so immediately! Artificial sweeteners, or non-nutritive sweeteners as they are sometimes referred to, have been controversial since they were first introduced to the market in the 1950s, and scientific research shows they are associated with many dangerous side effects.

Introduced to satisfy consumers’ sweet tooth, these artificial sweeteners with no calories seemed, at the time, like good alternatives to refined sugars and natural sweeteners. However, the side effects simply aren’t worth it. These fake sweeteners cause symptoms that range from headaches and migraines to weight gain and even more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. ....Continue Reading

Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers are dangerous

 Due to our society's love of sugar, scientists have been able to synthetically produce artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers. These artificial sweeteners give us the same pleasure as sugar without the calories and dangerous effects on insulin signaling and triglyceride formation. This includes aspartame, acefultame potassium, monosodium glutamate, sucralose and many others. Unfortunately, these artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers break down into highly toxic chemical agents that damage important regions of the body. ....Continue Reading

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer

If you've added the artificial sweetener sucralose (brand name Splenda) to your diet because you think it's a healthy alternative to sugar, you're being dangerously misled. Research from the Ramazzini Institute has linked the popular sugar alternative to cancer, specifically leukemia.

The findings were first presented at a London cancer conference in 2012 and prompted The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) to downgrade Splenda from its "safe" category to one of "caution."

Now that the study has been published in a peer-reviewed journal, CSPI has again downgraded Splenda, this time from "caution" to "avoid." ....Continue Reading

Sweetner Alterative

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